
Installing a Linux Server for Virtualization: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Virtualization is the process of creating a virtual version of a resource such as a server, operating system, storage device, or network resource. Virtualization allows multiple operating systems to run on a single physical machine, which is particularly useful for organizations that need to run multiple applications on different operating systems. In this blog post, we will discuss how to install virtualization on a Linux server.

There are several virtualization technologies available for Linux servers, including KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine), VirtualBox, and VMware. In this guide, we will focus on installing KVM, which is a popular open-source virtualization technology for Linux servers.

  • Step 1: Check Server Compatibility

Before you install KVM on your Linux server, you should ensure that the server's CPU supports hardware virtualization. Most modern CPUs do support virtualization, but you should check your server's specifications to be sure.

To check if your server's CPU supports hardware virtualization, run the following command in the terminal:


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egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo

If the output is 0, then your CPU does not support hardware virtualization, and you will not be able to install KVM.

  • Step 2: Install KVM and Related Packages

Once you have verified that your server's CPU supports hardware virtualization, you can proceed to install KVM and related packages on your server. The following commands will install KVM and its dependencies on a Ubuntu or Debian-based system:


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sudo apt update

sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients bridge-utils virt-manager

The first command updates the package lists on your server, and the second command installs KVM and related packages.

  • Step 3: Configure Networking

To configure networking for KVM, you need to create a bridge interface that connects the virtual machines to the physical network. The following steps will create a bridge interface on your server:

Open the /etc/network/interfaces file in a text editor.

Add the following lines to the file:


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auto br0

iface br0 inet dhcp

  bridge_ports enp0s3

Replace enp0s3 with the name of your physical network interface.

Save the file and exit the text editor.

Restart the network service to apply the changes:

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sudo systemctl restart networking

  • Step 4: Create a Virtual Machine

Once you have installed KVM and configured networking, you can create a virtual machine on your Linux server. The following steps will create a virtual machine using the virt-install command:

Open the terminal and run the following command:


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sudo virt-install --name test-vm --ram 2048 --disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/test-vm.qcow2,size=20 --vcpus 2 --os-type linux --os-variant ubuntu20.04 --network bridge=br0,model=virtio --graphics none --console pty,target_type=serial

This command creates a virtual machine named "test-vm" with 2GB of RAM, a 20GB virtual hard drive, and 2 virtual CPUs. The virtual machine is configured to use the Ubuntu 20.04 operating system and the br0 bridge interface for networking.

Follow the prompts to complete the installation of the operating system on the virtual machine.

  • Conclusion

In conclusion, virtualization is a powerful technology that allows you to run multiple operating systems on a single physical machine. Installing virtualization on a Linux server is a straightforward process, and KVM is a popular open-source virtualization technology that is easy to use and configure. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can install

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